Einstein - A Relatively Popular Personality*



Case Code : CLCB010
Publication date : 2005
Subject : Consumer Behavior
Industry : -
Length : 04 Pages
Price : Rs. 100

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Key words:

Albert Einstein, New York Hall of Science, Stereotype, Brogan & Partners, World Year of Physics, Einstein Year, The Institute of Physics (IOP), Iconic image, Brand image and Role model


* This caselet is intended for use only in class discussions.
** More comprehensive case studies are priced at Rs.200 to Rs.700 (US $5 to US $16) per copy.


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The caselet, Einstein: A Relatively Popular Personality, gives an overview of Albert Einstein as a brand. The case explains how various scientific organizations are using the images of Einstein to attract people to physics. While dealing with the personality attributes of Einstein, the case also mentions how marketers have made the Einstein image a stereotype when it comes to scientists.


» How leading figures can be used to attract the public
» The negative and positive attributes that people associate with celebrities
» The challenges faced by marketers while using a scientist as an endorser


Albert Einstein (Einstein) (1879-1955) who proposed the theory of relativity and made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology, was one of the most recognizable faces the world over...

Questions for Discussion:

1. "The public won't look at the field of science as a whole, but at one aspect that fascinates them, and from this, their interest may widen. Einstein plays this role for physics." What made the scientific community use Einstein to communicate their messages?

2. "Advertising professionals were of the view that reshaping Einstein's image would dilute the iconic image of the universally recognized brand." How did the need to reshape the image of Einstein arise and what kind of after-effects could reshaping the image have?
